科研动态 Trends


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一、 会议组织


会议承办:赢咖 赢咖


二、 主要议题

1 生物多样性、动植物适应性进化

2 珍稀濒危动植物的保护

3 景观与生态系统多样性、环境保护现状

4 全球变化导致的环境污染与生态恢复

5 国家公园体系的规划与管理

三、 会议时间地点



四、 会议日程安排

1011 地点:武汉融通中南花园酒店 南苑楼大厅

15:00-20:00  参会人员报到,现场注册

1012 地点:赢咖会议中心 思睿厅

8:30-9:00  参会人员报到,现场注册

9:00-10:30  开幕式

10:30-12:00  大会特邀报告

12:00-13:30  午餐、会议休息

13:30-17:30  大会报告(国际专家学者)

1013 地点:武汉融通中南花园酒店 南苑楼三楼中南厅

8:30-12:00  大会报告(国内专家学者)

12:00-13:30  午餐、会议休息

13:30-17:45  大会报告及研究生报告(开设长江厅分会场)

18:00-18:30  闭幕式、优秀研究生报告颁奖

五、 学术报告预告(更新中,以报告人姓氏字母或笔画排序)

l Professor Romulus ABILA (肯尼亚马赛马拉大学Maasai Mara University, Kenya)

Presentation Title: Biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Yala swamp socio-ecological system

l Professor Robert W. GITURU (肯尼亚乔莫×肯雅塔农业与技术大学Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya)

Presentation Title: Conserving biodiversity in Africa-The promising role of South-South Cooperation

l Dr. Asanterabi LOWASSA (坦桑尼亚野生生物研究所Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute)

Presentation Title: Governance and management challenges of Tanzania National Parks: Case study of Serengeti National Park in Tanzania

l Professor Kitche MAGAK (肯尼亚马赛马拉大学Maasai Mara University, Kenya)

Presentation Title: Positioning Maasai Mara University as a Centre of Excellence in Environmental Resource Management and Conservation

l Professor Flora John MAGIGE (坦桑尼亚达累斯萨拉姆大学University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)

Presentation Title: Reintroduction of the endangered and endemic Kihansi Spray Toads Nectophrynoides asperginis in Tanzania

l Professor Mamy RAKOTOARIJAONA (马达加斯加国家公园 Madagascar National Parks)

Presentation Title: Conservation of the biodiversity in Madagascar

l Professor Jean RASOARAHONA (马达加斯加塔那那利佛大学 University of Antananarivo, Madagascar)

Presentation Title: Towards a strategy for the conservation of Baobab trees in Madagascar

l Professor Joelisoa RATSIRARSON (马达加斯加塔那那利佛大学 University of Antananarivo, Madagascar)

Presentation Title: Conservation and protection of rare species

l Dr. Birhanu Belay TELAKE (埃塞俄比亚古勒勒植物园Gullele Botanic Garden, Ethiopia)

Presentation Title: Conservation strategies of prioritized plants species with a triple E_factors (i.e. Economically important, Endemic, Endangered), IUCN Red List and rare plant species

l Dr. Mekbeb TESSEMA (埃塞俄比亚阿瓦萨大学/埃塞俄比亚野生生物保护智库Hawassa University, Ethiopia /Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Think-tank)

Presentation Title: Biodiversity conservation and challenges of national park system in Ethiopia

l 于慧 研究员(中国科学院 华南植物园)

报告题目:The speciation of the pollinator after breakdown of 1:1 specificity between figs and fig wasps

l 王克林 研究员(中国科学院 亚热带农业生态研究所)

报告题目:Identifying the linkages and responses of karst ecosystem structures and functions related to human disturbances changes

l 王青锋 研究员(中国科学院 武汉植物园)

报告题目:Plant diversity and conservation in East Africa

l 毕永红 研究员(中国科学院 水生生物研究所)

报告题目:Algal diversity in the cascade reservoirs from the upper Yangtze River

l 达良俊 教授(华东师范大学 生态与环境科学学院)

报告题目:Urban near-to-nature biocoenose landmark construction for restoration of native biodiversity: concepts and practices in Shanghai

l 邱英雄 教授(浙江大学 生命科学学院)

报告题目:Evolutionary history and adaptive landscape of East Asian Tertiary relict tree genera: implications for conservation

l 周启星 教授(南开大学 环境科学与工程学院)

报告题目:Discipline System of Ecology, Research Trends Home and Abroad and Development Trend Projection

l 鲁显楷 研究员(中国科学院 华南植物园)

报告题目:Response and acclimation of plant diversity to long-term high nitrogen deposition in tropical forests of China

六、 会议交通


l 汉口火车站赢咖:



l 武昌火车站赢咖:



l 武汉火车站赢咖:



l 武汉天河机场赢咖:








七、 会议注册及费用

在线会议注册已关闭,可现场注册。注册费标准为(不包括交通及住宿费):教师/博士后 1200 /人;员工 600 /人。(注:本次会议的注册收费及开票业务全权委托武汉智航天下商旅咨询有限公司代理)

八、 会议通知及发票领取



九、 会议联络

朱恒  邮箱:zhuhengcc@163.com;电话:18986161630

吴思  邮箱:wusi@hubu.edu.cn;电话:13277989652

李可  邮箱:zhxykk@hubu.edu.cn;电话:15927575669


请各位做报告的参会人员(包括主题报告和研究生报告)于12日全天会议时间内在赢咖会议中心思睿厅前台将报告Power Point提交给工作人员。

十、 其他事项

会议语言:参会人员报告请准备英语的Power Point和讲解







Biodiversity Conservation and National Park Construction

Wuhan Forum of World Famous Scientists’ Lecturing in Hubei

Distinguished experts and delegates:

   On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of Hubei University, to advance the first-rate-universities-and-disciplines construction of ecology and related disciplines and promote international exchange and exchange among domestic universities and research institutes as well as drawing lessons from African research and practice in terms of biodiversity conservation and other aspects, Wuhan Forum of World Famous Scientists’ Lecturing in Hubei under the theme of “Biodiversity Conservation and National Park Construction” will be held from October 11th to October 13th in Wuhan, Hubei. Renowned scientists, experts and principals from universities, national research institutes and national parks in Kenya, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Tanzania, etc. are invited to introduce online the current progress of research and conservation of biodiversity in African countries. Meanwhile, well-recognized domestic scholars will gather in Wuhan to discuss scientific advances and applications in the fields of ecology, environmental science and conservation biology. This forum will center around bolstering China’s ecological civilization construction and global eco-environment protection as well as exploring scientists’ and technologists’ responsibility in the Belt and Road Initiative.

I. Organizers

Sponsor: Education Department of Hubei Province

Host: Faculty of Resources and Environmental Science, Hubei University

Co-host: Sino-Africa Joint Research Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences

II. Main topics

1. Biodiversity and adaptive evolution of animals and plants

2. Protection of rare and endangered animals and plants

3. Landscape and ecosystem diversity and environmental protection

4. Environmental pollution caused by global change and ecological remediation

5. National Park system planning and experience sharing

III. Time and Location

Time: October 11th – 13th, 2021

Location: Wuhan

IV. Agenda

Oct. 11 Entrance Hall, Nanyuan Villa, Wuhan RT Zhongnan Garden Hotel

15:00-20:00  Onsite registration

Oct. 12 Sirui Hall, Conference Center, Hubei University

8:30-9:00  Onsite registration

9:00-10:30  Opening ceremony

10:30-12:00  Plenary session

12:00-13:30  Lunch, coffee break

13:30-17:30  Keynote session (international experts)

Oct.13 Zhongnan Hall, 3rd floor, Nanyuan Villa, Wuhan RT Zhongnan Garden Hotel

8:30-12:00  Keynote session (domestic experts)

12:00-13:30  Lunch, coffee break

13:30-17:45  Keynote and postgraduates’ forum (concurrent session at Changjiang Hall)

18:00-18:30  Closing ceremony, awards for excellent postgraduate presentation

V. Academic talk preview

See above

VI. Transportation

Accessible by bus and subway.

Bus station: Wu Luo Lu Ding Zi Qiao (Wuhan RT Zhongnan Garden Hotel)

Subway station: Exit D, Hubei University

VII. Registration and Fees

Online registration is closed. Onsite registration is available.

Registration fee (transportation and accommodation excluded):

Teachers/Post-doc: RMB 1200 /person; Students: RMB 600 /person

VIII. Certificate of participation

Should any form of certificate of participation (in English) is needed, please contact our staff at the information desk anytime during the symposium.

IX. Contact person

Heng ZHU  Tel: 18986161630    Email: zhuhengcc@163.com

Si WU   Tel: 13277989652    Email: wusi@hubu.edu.cn

Ke LI   Tel: 15927575669    Email: zhxykk@hubu.edu.cn

X. Other matters

Language: English

Duration: invited talks: 30 minutes; submitted talks: 20 minutes; postgraduates’ forum: 10 minutes.

Epidemic prevention and control: Both a green Hubei Health Code and a green Communication Big Data Itinerary Card are required for all participants. A negative nucleic acid test within 7 days before onsite registration and a green Hubei Health Code are required for those who come from or travelled to medium/high-risk areas or abroad within fourteen days before onsite registration. Onsite temperature will be taken by all participants and only those below 37.3 oC will be allowed in. Please sit every other seat, wear a mask throughout the conference and avoid long conversations during the coffee break.

Faculty of Resources and Environmental Science, Hubei University

Hubei Key Laboratory of Regional Development and Environmental Response

Sino-Africa Joint Research Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences

October 6, 2021