副教授 Ecology


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姓名: 李星浩

职称、职务: 副教授

电子邮箱: li_xhao@163.com


联系电话:027-88661699- 8015









2017-2019年中国海洋大学, 博士后

2019-2020年武汉大学, 科研助理














《水生生物学报》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety》等期刊审稿人。




1. Xinghao Li, Xueli Huang, Liya Zhao, Wei Cai, Yuhe Yu and Jin Zhang*. Host Habitat as a Dominant Role in Shaping the Gut Microbiota of Wild Crucian Carp (Carassius auratus). Fishes, 2023, 8, 369

2. Xinghao Li, James C. Stegen, Yuhe Yu and Jie Huang*. Coordination and divergence in community assembly processes across co-occurring microbial groups separated by cell size. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2023, 14, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1166322

3. Changyu Zhu, Weiwei Liu, Xinghao Li, Yusen Xu, Hamed A. El-Serehy, Saleh A. Al-Farraj, Honggang Ma, Thorsten Stoeck and Zhenzhen Yi. High salinity gradients and intermediate spatial scales shaped similar biogeographical and co-occurrence patterns of microeukaryotes in a tropical freshwater- saltwater ecosystem. Environmental Microbiology, 2021, 23(8), 4778-4796. (共一)

4. Xinghao Li, Jie Huang, Sabine Filker, Thorsten Stoeck, Yonghong Bi, Yuhe Yu, Weibo Song. Spatio-temporal patterns of zooplankton in a main-stem dam affected tributary: a case study in the Xiangxi River of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. SCIENCE CHIAN Life Sciences. 2019, 62: 1058-1069.

5. Xinghao Li, Yuhe Yu, Chang Li, Qingyun Yan*. Comparative study on the gut microbiotas of four economically important Asian carp species. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences, 2018, 61(06), 86-95.

6. Xinghao Li, Li Zhou, Yuhe Yu, Jiajia Ni, Wenjie Xu, Qingyun Yan*. Composition of gut microbiota in the Gibel Carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) varies with host development. MICROBIAL ECOLOGY, 2017, 74(1):239-249.

7. 李星浩, 颜庆云, 胡红娟, 李金金, 王纯, 余育和. 异育银鲫消化道微生物群落对恢复投喂的响应. 水生生物学报, 2014, 38(5): 854-859.

8. 黄雪莉, 陈姣荣, 蔡伟, 李兆华, 李星浩*. 福寿螺防治策略浅析及其在生态养殖中的应用[J]. 现代畜牧兽医, 2024, 422(1): 81-85.


1. Chengzhi Mao 1, Xinghao Li 1, Xueping Xiong, Qiaoyi Kong, Yunfeng Wang, Jian Han, Xiuyun Cao, Xiong Xiong, Jing Yuan, Qidong Wang *, Jie Huang *. Differential community assembly mechanisms of shared and unique bacterioplankton in diverse aquaculture ponds. Aquaculture, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2024.741999.

2. Xinghao Li 1, Yunfeng Wang 1, Micah Dunthorn, Chengzhi Mao, Qiaoyi Kong, Saleh A. Al-Farraj, Weibo Song, Jie Huang *. Distinct ecological processes shape micro-eukaryotic generalists and specialists in a canal-disturbed wetland, Lake Weishan, China. Water Biology and Security, 2024, 100320.

3. Qianru Nan, Chunhui Li, Xinghao Li, Danni Zheng, Zhaohua Li, and Liya Zhao*. Modeling the Potential Distribution Patterns of the Invasive Plant Species Phytolacca americana in China in Response to Climate Change. Plants, 2024, 13, 1082.

4. Qianru Nan, Qing Zhang, Xinghao Li, Danni Zheng, Zhaohua Li and Liya Zhao *. Niche and Interspecific Association of the Dominant Species during the Invasion of Alternanthera philoxeroides in the Yangtze River Basin, China. Agriculture, 2023, 13, 621.

5. Yunfeng Wang, Xinghao Li, Yong Chi, Weibo Song, Qingyun Yan and Jie Huang*. Changes of the Freshwater Microbial Community Structure and Assembly Processes during Different Sample Storage Conditions. Microorganisms, 2022, 10(6), 1176

6. Zihan Shi, Qiaoyi Kong, Xinghao Li, Wenxin Xu, Chengzhi Mao, Yunfeng Wang, Weibo Song, Jie Huang. The Effects of DNA Extraction Kits and Primers on Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Microbial Community in Freshwater Sediments. Microorganisms. 2022, 10(6), 1213.

7. Fanshu Xiao, Wengen Zhu, Yuhe Yu, Zhili He, Bo Wu, Cheng Wang, Longfei Shu, Xinghao Li, Huaqun Yin, Jianjun Wang, Philippe Juneau, Xiafei Zheng, Yongjie Wu, Juan Li, Xiaojuan Chen, Dongwei Hou, Zhijian Huang, Jianguo He, Guohuan Xu, Liwei Xie, Jie Huang and Qingyun Yan. Host development overwhelms environmental dispersal in governing the ecological succession of zebrafish gut microbiota. npj Biofilms and Microbiomes, 2021, 7-5.

8. Fanshu Xiao, Yonghong Bi, Xinghao Li, Jie Huang, Yuhe Yu, Zhicai Xie, Tao Fang, Xiuyun Cao, Zhili He, Juneau Philippe, Qingyun Yan. The impact of anthropogenic disturbance on bacterioplankton communities during the construction of Donghu tunnel (Wuhan, China). MICROBIAL ECOLOGY, 2019, 77: 277-287.

9. Jun Luo, Mingzhen Ma, Borong Lu, Xinghao Li, Warren Alan, Shi Yuhong, Xiangrui Chen. The taxonomy and phylogeny of the poorly known Heterotrich Ciliate Ampullofolliculina lageniformis Hadzi, 1951 (Ciliophora: Heterotrichea). Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 2019, 66: 925–936.

10. Qingyun Yan, James C. Stegen, Yuhe Yu, Ye Deng, Xinghao Li, Shu Wu, Lili Dai, Xiang Zhang, Jinjin Li, Chun Wang, Jiajia Ni, Xuemei Li, Hongjuan Hu, Fanshu Xiao, Weisong Feng, Daliang Ning, Zhili He, Joy D. Van Nostrand, Liyou Wu, Jizhong Zhou*. Nearly a decade-long repeatable seasonal diversity patterns of bacterioplankton communities in the eutrophic Lake Donghu (Wuhan, China). MOLECULAR ECOLOGY, 2017, 26(14): 3839-3850.

11. Qingyun Yan, Jinjin Li, Yuhe Yu, Jianjun Wang, Zhili He, Joy D. Van Nostrand, Megan L. Kempher, Liyou Wu, Yaping Wang, Lanjie Liao, Xinghao Li, Shu Wu, Jiajia Ni, Chun Wang, Jizhong Zhou. Environmental filtering decreases with fish development for the assembly of gut microbiota. Environmental Microbiology. 2016, 18(12): 4739-4754.

12. Jinjin Li, Jiajia Ni, Jialin Li, Chun Wang, Xinghao Li, Shu Wu, Tanglin Zhang, Yuhe Yu, Qingyun Yan. Comparative study on gastrointestinal microbiota of eight fish species with different feeding habits. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2014, 117: 1750-1760.

13. 罗丹, 李星浩, 余育和, 李凤超, 黄洁. 长江中游干流浮游动物空间分布. 水生生物学报, 2019, 43(3):1-6.

14. 朱文根, 李星浩, 饶刘瑜, 黄洁, 余育和, 肖凡书, 颜庆云. 感染草鱼呼肠孤病毒对肠道菌群多样性的影响. 水生生物学报, 2019, 43(1) :109-116.

15. 饶刘瑜, 李学梅, 李星浩, 朱文根, 余育和, 颜庆云. 转基因鲤鱼与对照鲤肠道微生物群落差异研究. 水生生物学报, 2018, 42(2): 349-355.

16. , 倪加加, 颜庆云, 李金金, 李星浩, 余育和. 草鱼与团头鲂肠道菌群结构比较分析. 水生生物学报, 2014, 38(5): 868-875.






4、水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室(武汉大学)开放基金. eDNA在构建生态系统健康状况评价体系中的应用. 2021/01-2022/12,主持.

5、区域开发与环境响应湖北省重点实验室(赢咖)开放基金. eDNA技术在入侵生物监测中的应用研究. 2020/12-2022/12,主持.




