教授 Environmental Engineering


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水处理技术与资源化(Wastewater treatment technology and resource utilization

环境微生物分子生态( Environmental microbial molecular ecology

农业纤维素资源化利用(Cellulose Resource Utilization


中科院水生生物研究所 博士(2004-2007

天津大学化工学院 硕士(1998-2001

湖北老员工物系 学士(1993-1997


赢咖 讲师、副教授、教授(2009-

赢咖化学化工学院 讲师(2001-2008

中科院水生生物研究所 博士后(2010-2012

佐治亚州立大学 访问学者(2013-2014


环境工程原理 ( Principles of environmental Engineering )

环境仪器分析(Environmental Instrument Analysis

无机及分析化学 ( Inorganic and Analytic Chemistry ) 


1. 宋慧婷(3/9)高效复配纤维素酶创制关键技术及应用,湖北省人民政府科技进步二等奖,2023.

2. 宋慧婷(2/9)生物酶理性改造与高效发酵关键技术及应用,湖北省人民政府科技进步二等奖, 2017.

3. 宋慧婷(2/7),纳他霉素大规模发酵过程优化及提取纯化技术,武汉市科技进步三等奖,2011


  1. Jiapeng Ping, Jiashu Liu, Yuji Dong, Wenxuan Song, Liuan Xie, Huiting Song*. Biochar inoculated with Rhodococcus biphenylivorans altered microecological regulation by promoting quorum sensing and electron transfer: Up-regulation of related genes and enhancement of phenol and ammonia degradation [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2024397: 130498IF2023 =11.4

  2. Jianhui Chen, Jiashu Liu, Bixin Chen, Fan Yang, Bianxia Li, Huanan Li, Zhengbing Jiang, Huiting Song * , Effective biodegradation of chlorophenols, sulfonamides, and their mixtures by bacterial laccase immobilized on chitin. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2023, 256:114856IF2022=6.291

  3. Rui Wang, Huanan Li, Yanfang Liu, Jianhui Chen, Fang Peng, Zhengbing Jiang, Jiashu Liu*, Huiting Song*. Efficient removal of azo dyes by Enterococcus faecalis R1107 and its application in simulated textile effluent treatment[J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022, 238: 113577IF2022=6.291

  4. Fang Peng, Meng Ye, Yanfang Liu, Jiashu Liu, Ying Lan, Aihu Luo, Tianyi Zhang, Zhengbing Jiang, Huiting Song*. Comparative genomics reveals response of Rhodococcus pyridinivorans B403 to phenol after evolution[J]. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2022, 106(7): 2751-2761.IF2022=5.56

  5. 潘宏,朱经纬,彭方,张天翼,罗艾虎,彭怡欣,宋慧婷*.活性污泥-生物膜一体化反应器对废水中苯酚的降解性能[J].环境工程学报,2022,16(04):1373-1380.

  6. Jiashu Liu, Jianhui Chen, Kangjia Zuo, Huanan Li, Fang Peng, Qiuping Ran, Rui Wang, Zhengbing Jiang, Huiting Song*. Chemically induced oxidative stress improved bacterial laccase-mediated degradation and detoxification of the synthetic dyes[J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 226: 112823IF2021=6.291

  7. Xiaohang Xie, Jiashu Liu, Zhengbing Jiang, Huanan Li, Meng Ye, Hong Pan, Jingwei Zhu, Huiting Song*. The conversion of the nutrient condition alter the phenol degradation pathway by Rhodococcus biphenylivorans B403: A comparative transcriptomic and proteomic approach [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 202128: 56152~56163 IF2021 =4.223

  8. Wenjing Xiao, Huiting Song*, Huanan Li, Xu Li, Yuxian Yang, Pan Hu, Shanna Zhou, Yanmei Hu, Xinyi Xu, Zhuo Zhang,  Zhengbing Jiang*. Effect of Differenct Biological Surfactants on Engineering Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation of Corncob[J]. Bioresources, 2020, 15(2): 2512~2524

  9. 谢晓航,叶萌,潘宏,许宋思恒,杨慧,柯榆杰,宋慧婷*. 嗜联苯红球菌B403对酚类污染物的降解特性及动力学分析[J]. 环境工程学报, 2020, 14(4): 1103-1112

  10. 韩畅,祝贵兵,宋慧婷.石臼漾人工湿地冬夏季全程氨氧化微生物的分布、群落结构及其影响因素研究[J].环境科学学报,2020,40(7):2511-2521

  11. 宋慧婷,刘家书,张天翼,董羽吉,解留安. 一种低碳氮比高氨氮降解菌及其应用, 2023.12.08, 中国, ZL202310431661.9

  12. 宋慧婷,江正兵,刘家书,李华南,王瑞. 一种偶氮染料降解菌及其应用, 2023.12.15, 中国, ZL202210654954.9

  13. 宋慧婷,谢晓航,江正兵,叶萌,韩畅. 一种酚类污染物降解菌及其应用, 2021.11.02, 中国, ZL201910233030.X

  14. 宋慧婷,余枭,江正兵,刘艳芳,夏武成,李华南,肖文静. 一种可降解木质纤维素的重组酿酒酵母菌株及其应用, 2020.4.02, 中国, ZL201810806958.8

  15. 江正兵,宋慧婷,赵勇.一种基因突变提高抗氧化性的葡萄糖氧化酶及其方法, 2019.01.08, 中国, ZL201510428825.8





